Twitch hat die Abonnementpreise für Russland, Europa und die ehemalige GUS um das 3-fache gesenkt

The fifth of august declared on a reduction in the prices of paid subscriptions for European countries, and a few hours later the changes have already entered into force.
At the moment, the cost of paid subscriptions is as follows:
For Russia, the price has changed from 399 rubles to 130 rubles per month. If you buy for 3 months, then the price will be 117 rubles, and if it is six months, then the price reaches 110.50 rubles per month.
Subscriptions of the second level now cost 260 rubles, and the third 650.
For Ukraine, a subscription now costs 35.99 UAH per month, 32.39 UAH every 3 months and 30.59 UAH every 6 months.
Subscription of the second level costs 71.99 UAH and the third one - 179.99 UAH.
In Belarus, the price has changed from 12 rubles to 3.5. And in Kazakhstan from 5 to 2 dollars (146 rubles).
The new changes have already taken effect. And who knows if a new era of streaming is coming or not? In a previous article on price changes, Twitch stated that he will pay 100% of the old price within 3 months and if the new program shows good results, then the price will change.
So if you want to become more popular now, then we can definitely help you with this!