Appât à amis rapide et de haute qualité pour VK 
Nombre de spectateurs | 1 |
Prix | 0.003 |
Nombre de spectateurs |
The functionality and options of the social network VKontakte allow you to determine the status, popularity or relevance of a personal account according to several criteria. The main thing that users pay attention to – the number of friends and likes (dislikes) under the published content. The traditional problem: "Meet by clothes" - decide well and tastefully dressed. The option «cheat friends on VKontakte» from the GetViewersPro company, these are the clothes for which the page will be met (studyed) with the proper level of attention and respect.
Cheat Vkontakte friends from GetViewersPro
The robotic verification system of the social network is developing steadily and rapidly, making friends on VK without proper experience is quite problematic. Ways like:
- Mass send "friendship" proposals.
- Using automated bots.
Quickly "computed" moderators and the case ends with a complete blocking. Usually VK friends boost — one-day pages without photos (cartoon picture) and user data. They "disappear" fairly quickly; from the list due to the lack of activity.
On a professional level in VK cheating friends is carried out with a guarantee that there is no suspicion of spam. Used "live" active pages. They are stored by the client in the lists for life. At GetViewersPro, this service is performed by a team of specialists using a special methodology. The customer is provided with any number of friends he needs. Every friend – page of a real web user.
Prices for cheating VK friends
A client who has applied to the GetViewersPro website can, on terms of complete confidentiality, order the service of promoting his account or community. Real VK friends to buy with whom you can "make friends" by making an appropriate order will become active on the client's page after the application is made. The cost depends on:
- Number of subscribers ordered.
- Format – community, personal account.
- Order urgency.
Business profiles can be classified according to certain — territorial affiliation, target audience, age criteria. Customers are guaranteed quality and low rates.