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New ways to deal with Twitch cheating and our methods of solving them


New ways to deal with Twitch cheating and our methods of solving them

Good day, dear GetViewers.PRO users! At the moment, Twitch is starting to actively fight cheating again and is changing the way its Twitch API works. But our coders are not asleep and have already written a test version of the solution to this problem. She should tweak the algorithm and fix some "bugs". You must understand that our service works in this way, that we have already fought twice with major updates of Twitch and at the moment the current version lasted for several months. And as soon as Twitch changes something and our version does not work correctly with it, then we are forced to fix it and adjust it to Twitch. It will take a while, but remember that we are always fighting and will continue to fight new Twitch methods.

Do not pay attention to how cheating works now, soon we will add a test update and everything should be normalized. 01/24/2020 We will add it to the service, the work will approximately take the whole day. Time on tariffs will not be wasted, you should not worry about that either. Thank you all for staying with us, always your GetViewers.PRO team