New types of services: TikTok, YouTube, Vk, Telegram and Instagram

News regarding new services: what we have added
Today we want to announce that we are expanding the range of our services. Now we are starting to work with services such as Telegram, Instagram, Vkontakte, TikTok and YouTube. Now we are adding more Likes, Subscribers and Views for these services.
What is the new promotion for
It's no secret that the owners of Telegram channels get good money for advertising. Many of them reach tens of thousands of rubles, despite the fact that advertising on TG can be fasted many times a day.
Boosting statistics will help you to raise your "Rating" for advertising agents and publics who want to buy ads from you. The more views and the higher the activity in your channel, the more expensive your advertising will be.
It is, of course, unrealistic to start a channel from scratch and without large investments. It is very difficult to get new subscribers and views, due to the fact that your channel will not be seen and taking into account the fact that there may already be a large number of channels on such topics.
Instagram has long been very popular among most people and is very well developed in the CIS countries. Most bloggers have their own channels and make a lot of money from them. It's not a secret for anyone that the channels of millionaires are asking for a lot of money for advertising. Instagram rightfully holds the first place in the price of advertising, among the largest channels, advertising can reach millions.
Cheating all the statistics on the page will significantly increase your "value" for potential customers.
Of course, the ability to make Posts and have the ability to involve people in your content is also important on Instagram. You can definitely learn this by maintaining your account for a long time.
It should also be borne in mind that many of you would like to feel like a "Star" and lead your popular Blog, but often stop at the very beginning of the journey, due to the fact that they cannot quickly get their audience. < / p>
YouTube is one of the oldest and most effective services for earning and maintaining your content. It is easier to get views, activity and subscribers to your channel, unlike other Services, but in general this process is very long-term and not easy.
Our promotion will help you to accelerate in achieving your goals. Promotion of likes, views and comments will greatly simplify this process.
Your channel popularity indicator directly shows advertisers whether it is profitable to buy ads from you or it makes no sense.
And on YouTube, they can buy it from very small channels. It is also worth taking into account earnings using a regular affiliate program.
The social network has been operating for 15 years and on which not a drop less, people have been earning for a long time.
Maintaining groups or promoting your own page can bring good results.
One of the few new Services that has established itself as a solvent system and a convenient place for promoting yourself and making money.
Promotion on the platform is a little easier than on many others, due to good recommendations, promotion with tags, etc.
But still, getting the right amount for a good initial income is not so easy.
If you know how to create content, or you understand how you can promote your product, then cheating can definitely help you. By adding Views and Subscribers to your channel, ordering Comments and Views & mdash; It will become much easier for you to start your promotion. People will see your channel and they will have more trust, since they already have an "initial subscriber base" and at least you will not abandon your channel, which is also very important for many.
What rates do we offer
All our rates & mdash; this is a live audience, no bots, even in small numbers, all 100% are real people.
At the moment we offer the following rates:
Instagram: Comments, Likes, Followers, Video Views
VKontakte: Friends, Complaints, Comments, Likes, Polls, Replies to comments, Subscribers to the group, Views of clips and posts, Reposts
YouTube: Comments, Likes, Likes of comments, Views, Reposts
Telegram: Subscribers, Post Views
TikTok: Comments, Likes, Subscribers, Views, Reposts
How to buy a plan
On the main page
On the main page, press the button " Tariffs < / strong> "and you are taken to the required block. Then just click on the desired markup and select the proposed rates. Enter the required amount and click "Buy". Then all that remains is to confirm the purchase in the window that opens. Then the tariff will appear in your personal account.
In your personal account
The buying principle is exactly the same. Open the "Tariffs" section, select the category you need and purchase the desired tariff.
Setting up a tariff and launching it
After purchasing a tariff, you will be transferred to the "Streams" section with your tariffs, where we see the new purchased tariff.
Enter the URL according to the specified template and click "Start".
The status of the promotion can be monitored in the same block, you have indicated 5/10 (5 subscribers have already been wound out of 10 ordered). On completion, the Status will change with each completed order.